
Thursday, January 3

HNT - Visiting Pup

This is me riding MARTA to visit Pup.
I usually do park and ride so I don't have to drive home.
The last time I did we had a great time at The Corner Tavern in Little Five Points. I ended up in Conyers at 3AM. Where is Conyers? I have no idea. But I took the wrong train home and that was the end of the line.

I got a ride back with the MARTA train driver, Pedro. If you've ridden MARTA you'll know who he is. He's the driver with the sexy voice who sounds like he's about to break into a Barry White song as he announces the up-coming stops on the line.

That's probably why I didn't realize I was on the wrong train.
Too mesmerized by his voice.

Thanks for getting me home safe and sound Pedro.
You and your sexy voice.

Happy HNT!

See the man, Os.

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Mariposa said...

Hi there! I'm new to HNT and just checking around...

Happy HNT and happy 2008!

Anonymous said...

He is a lucky train driver to have you around!

My Fiancee is Hot © said...

Thats is such a pretty picture. U r looking beautiful

Have a great HNT and enjoy


Zoely said...

Beautiful! Love it! HHNT! I wonder if the MARTA has an express to the MTA?

Lapis Ruber said...

Happy HNT and Happy New Year.

SoCal Sal said...

Beautiful. Just melt me baby!


tkkerouac said...

You have a very approachable face
Happy New Year, Happy HNT!

Vixen said...

Very pretty! :)

BTExpress said...

I'd give a pretty gal like you a ride anytime. ;-) Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

I remember getting lost in Europe with you !!!
Miss ya ;-)

Evening said...

Happy New Year Trisha. You have the most beautiful eyes and lips. But, I bet you hear that all the time!!

Margaret said...

beautiful pic...glad you made it back home safe...and good for Pedro, watchin out for you... :)


Anonymous said...

Conyers!!!! LOL! I'll say you got on the wrong train! ;) I'll bet that east route never had it so good as when you were lost and aboard! HHNT!
I love the Corner Tavern - I imagine that area is really built up now.

Anonymous said...

You're so pretty :) I wanna ride the Barry White train!

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.