Update: 10:38 AM
My brother said to me after his motorcycle accident that he would never ride again. He said that the problem with bikes is that if you hit anything -- you lose.
If anything or anyone hits you -- you lose.
With nothing to protect your body but a helmet and some leather you will always come out of every accident as the loser.
Last night my son lost.

O or I will update as we can. She is exhausted from staying up with me all night on the phone.
I thank you all for your kind words and well wishes.
They mean the world to us both.
hello, I'm Tricia's friend O and she asked me to post for her tonight. Her oldest son was in a bike accident tonight and is going into surgery now. Things aren't as bad as they could be, but they are quite serious.
I know he and T both would appreciate you keeping him in your thoughts at this time. Please leave a comment for him if you read this, I know T would like to show him everyone's good wishes (and she would appreciate the support too; as you can imagine she is very worried.)I know T has always been grateful to all her readers for their love and support, and feels blessed to have you as friends. This would mean a lot to her.
I'll update when and as I have more information. T asked me to put up a post but I don't know how much detail she wanted me to give. As soon as I speak to her again I will update.
thanks in advance,
Update 12:10 AM: It's much worse than they initially thought; his internal injuries are extensive.
T asks for your thoughts and prayers.
1.30 AM: Hooray!! He's out of surgery, they were able to stop the hemorrhaging. He did have a lot of blood loss, and there's still a lot of stuff going on but none of it as potentially severe as the internal stuff, and the surgery was successful though it they were not sure at first that it would be. Tricia will post the details, this was the info she asked me to post.
Hold steady Tricia, the human body has remarkable abilities to heal, even when it seems it can't.
Having been a veteran of my share of car accidents I can tell you it always looks so much worse than it feels.
You're in our thoughts and all of us pray for your son's speedy recovery. Meanwhile reassure him conscious or not that you love him.
I've stored up some rather good karma of late, I give it all to you and your son.
Stay strong sister, the best doctor he will ever have is your will powered by your love.
When he recovers and he will, the food will taste better, the air sweeter, and tenderness of life exspansive
We're both blondes, and us blonde gals always come through because we can weather the storms life sometimes tosses our way. You have all our faith
There is a a couple of Buddhists here, two Catholics, and three athiests and I think two agnostics. There's not one of us that isn't on our knees praying for the recovery of your son.
Every chance you get, hold his hands, let him feel your warmth. There's something magical about the healing power of touch.
Everything that falls apart falls together again, beautiful Tricia
(Lone Sloan Delirius)
Thank you all so much!
Not only were you the first comment, but it brought tears to my eyes to see this outpouring. I could just feel the power of your positivity washing over me. It's a powerful force when commbined.
I love you guys. All of you.
So far there is nothing but good news. Things are going better than expected. Yesterday he was moving his legs!
I just ran across this, I will pray for you and your entire family. Life is so unfair at times. God bless your son and you as you help him through this.
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