The buttons are going up and I would like to thank everyone personally who is doing their part to support the commentathon.
So far these are the blogs proudly displaying their buttons for April 1st.
If you have yours up and I missed it please let me know. I will be checking nightly and adding to the list.
I can't tell you how many people in our little blogger community have been touched by breast cancer... there are more popping up every day... my thoughts today are for Trashman for what he is going through... bless you and yours sweetheart.
and Jay... who has suffered his loss and continues to be a one-man fundraising wizard.
He is shutting down his blog due to being pregnant. heheh
Love to you all for your generosity and beautiful spirits.
I feel blessed everyday to be part of this special group of people... my blogger family.
You are all amazing to me.
If you need a button you can get one here.

Or you can create your own link back to
First out of the box
well rather 'IN' the box and with a post to boot!
The stunning and ever prettiful Doc in the Box!
Then there are my peeps...
Me Jenn
AdventureChick Sara
GreekGoddess Jenn (pregnant blogger)
My Boy Toy DerekS
And Kat has done a post about her step mom's struggle and victory over breast cancer.
What an inspiration!
Rocket Jones put up the link last week and has sent quite a few MuNuvians from his site.
Thanks Dude!
Up and running!
The Queen of Chaos
Catt(pregnant blogger)
What the hell is up with all of these pregnancies?
Our new motto...
Bloggers do it without condoms!
Let me know if I'm missing your link and GO COMMENT DAMMIT!
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