I wish you were here to wrap your arms around me and kiss me, feel your hands move along my body as you caress away the worries that have been nagging at my mind.
Today it poured.
The heavens opened and torrents fell around me like tears from a bitter sky. They moved and danced like lovers, joining and parting as they rolled down my window. The wind was whipping the trees into a frenzy that caused them to howl their own tormented lament at being treated so carelessly.
Yet, inside it was warm. It was safe and the candles mixed with the numerous lamps to illuminate and shield me from the threatening darkness.
In that place I heard the words that made the violence of the storm, the thunderous racket, dissolve. I fell into the familiar cadence, the rhythm of the words, and found my comfort there. Words so sweet, so seductive and a voice that has become, in some way, my home, my heart, my other voice. The one that lives in my head when not present to speak to me. My twin, my simulacrum, my perfect reflection. The part of me that makes me whole. Complete.
You are not bound nor tamed by iron, though the delicacy of silk and the allure of gentle words may be stronger. No, you are chained and bound, even haunted, by your own elusive need.
I sat and listened. I read and pondered, and I felt sheltered, protected from nature's bitterness all about me. I knew I was in my right place.
No one else has loved me with an encouragement that moves me beyond a simple longing. If it were that, I could never leave because it is this vapor that has no substance and blows away with the smallest breath. No, I am snared by your lure, and can never leave.
I felt the longing, the ache that seems to be a constant companion. I felt as always, the hunger, the craving, yearning for connection. In the those words I felt his need and experienced his burning desire. My hand reached out as if to draw it to me and I rested securely in its sure embrace.
I am still on vigil. I will return soon.
For now...
I did manage to get my post up on Menage a Trois tonight.
It is about better times. It is about love and romance. It is about the joy of sex and fulfillment of the body.
Body Remember
Body, remember this moment. Remember the feeling as his hands caressed you gently, as he whispered, lips pressed against your skin. Remember how his muscles moved under your fingertips, the salt taste of his skin against your tongue. The low growl as he lost himself inside you. Body, remember this moment that you shall have him again and again.
Technorati Tags: Love, Intimacy, Relationships, Couples, Romance, Sex, Erotica, Lovers, Photography, Beautiful,